Planning, Design & Compliance (PDC)

Providing reliable project assurance, protecting your goals, and improving outcomes for citizens.
Project photo: Gordie Howe International Bridge
Windsor, ON / Detroit, MI

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Compliance through collaboration

Procuring design services through the Public-Private Partnership (P3), or the Alternative Financing and Procurement (AFP) process, is complex, structured and long-term. As the sponsor, you want peace of mind that your requirements are being met and the risks inherent to the process are being minimized. You need an advisor who has your best interests, and those of your users, at the forefront of every stage of the process. You need an advisor you can trust.

Having led the PDC scope of work for several of Canada’s most recent and largest development projects, we are your architecture, planning and design conformance partner of choice. We have worked successfully on both sides of the P3/AFP process and provide compliance services across BC, Ontario, Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan ― in all public service sectors.

It feels different to work with us. We bring a strong collaborative approach to running all stages of the conformance process, including RFP Document Development, RFP Open Period, Post Financial and Commercial Close (Construction Phase), in either a Design-Build-Finance-Maintain (DBFM), or Design Build Finance (DBF) procurement model.

Get in touch to discuss your planning, design and conformance project and how we can help ensure your design vision and objectives can be achieved.

We’d love to get to know you

Get in touch

Wojciech Brus, Vancouver

Katherine Robinson, Calgary

Aziz Bootwala, Edmonton

Ian Sinclair, Toronto

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